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create new boxes class, need help


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I want to make catalog unique from other boxes. Changing fonts, size of box, colors, etc. I think I need to create a new boxes class and new stylesheet, but I don't really know how. I looked at this code:


include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'categories.php');


categories is created from include/classes/boxes.php. But I don't understand the

DIR_WS_BOXES syntax. I copy the boxes.php and renamed it newboxes.php and I change the above line to:


include(DIR_WS_NEWBOXES . 'categories.php');


Didn't work, I got parse error. So what else do I need to change??


DIR_WS_BOXES defines where the boxes are (I think it is defined in includes/filenames.php).


if you start using DIR_WS_NEWBOXES without defining it you indeed get an error


B.t.w. I don't think, what you are trying here, is the way to change the categories box.


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