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Going Live Checklist...


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I've run several tests and have everything secure to the best of my knowledge, so now I'm ready to run a full "real" test.


I've tried that, with 2checkout as my payment module. I get this when I try to check out:


Note: This is a Demo transaction no credit card will be checked or billed.


After searching the forums, the only time I've seen this problem is if the store number in the payment module for 2checkout is wrong. I'm assuming this is a problem on the 2checkout side, not with my osCommerce setup. I'm currently waiting to hear from 2checkout on this problem.


However, it got me to thinking about other possible problems. Does someone have a checklist of things to do before going live?




1. Making sure your SSL is set up for admin and checkout (at least).

2. Password protecting admin.

3. Set payment and shipping modules to "production" instead of test.


Might be a useful list to compile and post in wiki....

where to you set the modules to run live. I couldnt find it in the modules

Click on the module you want to set live: for example, payments, then go to 2checkout.


Click edit on the right hand side, then set Transaction Mode to Production instead of Test.


Thankyou so much for that I never would have figured it out. Such a simple thing. I had to install 2checkout




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