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Need help use echo or return statement


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I am not sure how to use the return statement for the code below. It works fine with echo.

I do not think echo should be use in the code below. I am new to php and a little help wold be great.






class myclass {

var $variable = 'test';



function myclass($TEST = 'It') {


$TEST .= ' Works';


// Can you use echo or print in the statement below. If not how do you use the return statement to out put "It Works"



echo $TEST;///





new myclass();


echo is fine if you always want to output the results of the function at object creation. Another way to get the same effect is to assign the value to a class variable and create a return function for the class variable:

class myclass {
 var $variable = 'test';

 function myclass($TEST = 'It') {

   $TEST .= ' Works';

   $this->variable = $TEST;

   return $this;

 function get_variable() {
   return $this->variable;

$my_obj = new myclass();
echo $my_obj->get_variable();

This way, you could create the object at one place; work on it elsewhere; then finally display it.




Always back up before making changes.


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