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The e-commerce.

Using Options....????


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Okay, I am starting to go bug-eyed from looking at this stuff too long.... :blink:


Where do I need to go to add options to my products? Here is what I am doing now, tell me where I am going wrong.....


(I am using MS2)


Using the admin panel, I select my category and click on add new product


These are my options to fill out:


Products Status: In Stock Out of Stock


Date Available:



Products Manufacturer:


Products Name:


Tax Class: --none--Taxable Goods

Products Price (Net):

Products Price (Gross):


Products Description:


Products Quantity:


Products Model:


Products Image:


Products URL:

(without http://)


Products Weight:



I fill everything out, click preview and the product is added.


Now where do I add options? I have installed the following contribution (options as images) - http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...ns,1467/page,16


I have an option under my catalog that says options with images. when I go in there, I have my options (which I haven't figured out how to change without going into the table (or is that what I am supposed to do??)). But that just has check marks next to the options and a button that says update (not edit like the directions says it should). When I check something and click update, nothing happens.


Please help gurus of php.....




as default in osc there is in admin left menu product attributes, here is where you can add attributes i.e options to products

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Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.


Got it. Thank you!!!


For future reference if anyone comes across this....


You go under product attributes on the left and fill in all of your options and link them to products.


Then if you have the contribution installed that I refer to above, you go to options as images on that left hand side and then you can select which options you want a picture displayed for. Your options that you inputed on the previous screen will then show. You click on them and you can edit the picture that you want to be shown.


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