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General error fro Authorize.net


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nearly 25% of all our sales are getting an error from authorize.net meaning they did not charge the credit card. This means I have to call every person and do the whole thing again with them. What can I do? Is there a setting that should be different somewhere in the configuration. The mesage Trans Status: General Error ( Unable to Send Notification ) Should I remove send notification or something.


Thanks Tele

Using Linux - oscommerce Dolby

  • 2 weeks later...

I get this error too occasionally and I am still looking for a solution. I have a feeling it's some sort of timeout setting somewhere.


Telemere, you may want to check your authorize.net records again by doing a Search and Download from the left toolbar (using their last name or something). Chances are the card was authorized already (mine ALWAYS are with this error message) and you just need the number and exp to capture it.


If that is what is really happening, and you do it all over again with them on the phone, then you are probably sending two authorizations -- which may be a problem for some customers who are counting on that money being available.

  • 2 weeks later...

I myself am new to using the authorize.net module with OS Commerce, I have been using it for two weeks, and see that in each of the two weeks, a transaction came back with the error message.


I talked to Authorize.net and they said it had something to do with the customer closing their browser before the authorize.net response came back for the charge approved so their logic is that the customer does not know the charge went through, so the charge can not be captured unless you call the customer which means getting their expiration date.


I know have two customers to contact as I don't have their expiration dates, OS Commerce just records saying authorize.net.


I would appreciate any other comments on this.






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