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Posted (edited)

oooohhh man!! I think i messed it up!! :(

I had the Easypopulate contribution installed, but i needed to intall something to protect my admin. So i chose Access Admin with Levels contribution, but now the easypopulate contrubution is gone :blink: !!

And i have another contribution that is missing too!! :ph34r:


How can i fixed that without having to take out the Access Admin with Levels??




Edited by dakkon
Posted (edited)

login to the admin as top administrator then go to administrator in left menu, then file access and set the permissions also install the contribution by clicking the radio button to green if there is one, also look at the store files function and see if the files are stored.


Some contributions do not initially show up and need to be activated when you use admin access with levels

Edited by 241

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Thanks for the fast reply!! :)

This is what i have done, i log in with top administrator, then went to the administrator in the left menu, now i have 9 folders. I open the one that says "Catalog", click on the button "insert file" and on my right it show a dropdown menu with 4 options of file to add ( easypopulate.php, easypopulate_functions.php, easypopulate_functions_oldersnaps.php amd freatured.php), i added all but they do not show on the left menu under "Catalog". :(

All the Easypopulate files should go in catalog or they have to be in some other directory?? And the freatured contribution should go in catalog too??



Posted (edited)

Well i managed to bring back the two contributions to the box in catalog, i had to change some lines on the code of some files.


But now i have a new problem :blink: !!!


When i ask the easypopulate to download a delimited tab, insted of start downloading the txt file, i?m redirected to the admin login!! :o I log in and tried again, the same thing happened !! I?m unable to download the tabs, what should i do?? :huh:




Edited by dakkon
Posted (edited)

You mention that you were able to solve this problem -- do you remember what you did?

Edited by csokolov

In case others are searching for a solution to this problem -- it took me a while to figure out -- I added the following line to:




tep_admin_files_boxes('easypopulate.php', 'Easy Populate') .


This was in addition to adding the easypopulate files under Administrator / File Access.


Hope this helps someone.

Posted (edited)

Yep, i did something like you.


I edited the file catalog.php from /catalog/admin/includes/boxes/ , i added this line

'<a href="' . tep_href_link('easypopulate.php', '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">Easy Populate</a><br>'.

after the Products attribute line.


The thing is that easypopulate is not working, i can?t download or upload delimited tabs because every time i try, i i?m redirected to the login panel of the Admin Access with levels contribution.


Csokolov did Easypopulate worked for you after adding that code to the catalog file??

Edited by dakkon

Yes; with the code I quoted before, I am able to access Easy Populate (note that I _also_ adding file access to the easy populate files as I described) and use it with no problem so far.


Well i don?t know why, but i?m unable to use easypolulate with Admin Access with levels. So i gave up, unistall it an now i decided to protect my admin with .htaccess!! It is working and easypopulate too, so i will stick with this type of security untill i figured the AAWL problem!! :)


Thanks for the help!!




  • 3 months later...
The thing is that easypopulate is not working, i can?t download or upload delimited tabs because every time i try, i i?m redirected to the login panel of the Admin Access with levels contribution


If I remember correctly I had a similar problem because I had not created a 'temp' directory (included instructions quote as follows;

4. Make sure that you have a directory called catalog/temp, and that it's permissions are set to allow writes to that directory (while you're in the catalog directory, execute "chmod 777 temp").


I created the temp directory and it worked.


Just a thought.




Thanks Pewe

I have tried that, tried uninstalling everything and going back to scratch, everything and still get booted back to login off of any link that I hit from the easypopulate.php page...


Sux, thanks though <_<

Rich Rodgers

OsCommerce | PHP Nuke Webmaster

  • 8 months later...

I've recently moved an installation from one system to another and have this problem as well. I think it has something to do with the admin/includes/configure.php pathing. In this forum, the ms2max forum and the crereloaded forum, there are others who have had the same problem.


no definite answers or root causes to be found though. The edit attributes option from the admin menu and easy populate both exhibit the "return to the admin login screen" behavior.


If anyone ever figures this out, please post here for future benefit !

Hi everybody, congrats on a great release, It certainly helps to further the cause of ecommerce and I hope to become highly involved with Open Source now I have discovered it.


To add to this post, I too have been having this problem. I am running:


Win2k SP4

MySQL 4.0.16

PHP Version 4.3.1


The force cookies is set to false, the temp directory is writable.


I have also tried this on a Netscape browser just in case it was an IE problem, but its just the same.


I have tried many many configuration settings, all to no avail.


However, I did find a short term workaround which may help someone more skilled than I to work out what the actual problem is, here's hoping anyway....


1. If you open Admin/Includes/application_top.php and find the two blocks of code:


//Admin begin

require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'password_funcs.php');

//Admin end




//Admin begin




//Admin end


and you take them out temporarily, upload the file to the server, and go directly to www.yourdomain.com/admin/new_attributes.php it is working although your left navigation bar with all the links in it has dissapeared.


This also leaves your admin section open to anyone so is not a good solution.


2. The next natural step is to reverse the deletions above and put the //Admin code BACK IN, reupload the application_top.php file, and the very next click you make in www.yourdomain.com/admin/ (providing you are in the very same browser session as step1) , it will bring you to the login page (because the request login function is back in all your admin page), whereupon you can login as normal and still, everything is working, i.e. if you try to use attribute manager it lets you, if you try to use the edit attributes button next to a product it lets you. Hurrah you think, its fixed....


3. The only problem then, is when you close down your browser, open up a new browser, and go back to the admin panel, you go back to square 1, i.e. being forwarded to the login page EVERY time you click to use attribute manager, no matter what you do, its drivin me nuts 


I hope this helps someone track it down, if you would like to msasek you can message me and i will allow you access to this setup so you can try to see whats going wrong.



The quote above is from another forum and is a workaround in the event your desperate to use easypopulate or edit attrib and you have the original problem and nothing else works. Like the poster says, perhaps this can be a lead to a future solution. I don't have the madskillz to tackle the problem. hope this helps someone.


Same problem here but not only for EP but also for DB Maint 1.0.2, Attributes that I have installed. Been screwing around with config files comparing to the other live sites I have, nothing.. its driving me crazy. There was another workaround I found take out line 19

tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL'));

of file admin/includes/functions/general.php but you also lose the column left when doing this. Do what you need and then paste it back. For Now



The quote above is from another forum and is a workaround in the event your desperate to use easypopulate or edit attrib and you have the original problem and nothing else works.  Like the poster says, perhaps this can be a lead to a future solution.  I don't have the madskillz to tackle the problem.  hope this helps someone.

Posted (edited)

it works with admin access, very easy to do. did you follow the documentation on how to add links into catalog and also with admin access with levels?


the support thread is here:



all questions u have here i know are answered in there


Well i don?t know why, but i?m unable to use easypolulate with Admin Access with levels. So i gave up, unistall it an now i decided to protect my admin with .htaccess!! It is working and easypopulate too, so i will stick with this type of security untill i figured the AAWL problem!! :)


Thanks for the help!!




Edited by Mibble

it is they dont know what they are doing in the other forums . . .


I've recently moved an installation from one system to another and have this problem as well.  I think it has something to do with the admin/includes/configure.php pathing.  In this forum, the ms2max forum and the crereloaded forum, there are others who have had the same problem.


no definite answers or root causes to be found though.  The edit attributes option from the admin menu and easy populate both exhibit the "return to the admin login screen" behavior.


If anyone ever figures this out, please post here for future benefit !


egads, removing password functinality, etc? glad i dont go to those other forums.



The quote above is from another forum and is a workaround in the event your desperate to use easypopulate or edit attrib and you have the original problem and nothing else works.  Like the poster says, perhaps this can be a lead to a future solution.  I don't have the madskillz to tackle the problem.  hope this helps someone.

egads, removing password functinality, etc?  glad i dont go to those other forums.


Its a temporary workaround to be used if your desperate to use easy populate and edit attrib and nothing else works. If your not having the problem, then of course it is a bad idea to remove password functionality... operative word here being desperate.

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