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The e-commerce.

A little help with shipping please


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I am running osCommerce 2.2-MS2 and I need a pointer or two in regards to the setup side.


I offer web hosting as well as computer products and software.


While the "downladable software of course falls into the download system, there is no download for web hosting.




How do I turn off shipping and handling charges for these products?


Additionally, if I do decide to run a free shipping special on selected tangeable items, how do I do that?


Thank you in advance for the assist.

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I need to clarify a bit here - with the above. I have tried Table rate using 0:0 and a cost of $0, but I would like to be able to have the USPS and UPS not displayed if this is the ONLY product being purchased and if other products are being purchased, NOT display the table rate and simply add up the weights of the product to get the total shipping weight as the web hosting has a weight of zero.


I guess OPTIMally what I'd like is a feature "similiar to Download" as an option for the web hosting - Any ideas????

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Hi Brian,


You might want to poke through the code for gift vouchers. I don't know the exact bit of code, but they enable you to mark the gift vouchers as "downloadable" so that shipping isn't charged for them, but redirects to a voucher claim area instead of a download. You might be able to build on that for your web hosting.


the contribution is:





the files to check out would be related to shipping and check out success.


btw, just to clarify, I am not saying that you should USE this contribution for this purpose, but use it for reference.


Also, there may be a contribution that already does exactly what you need. Don't "search for it" ... go to the contributions page and browse through them.




hope that helps! good luck.

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