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could anybody help me with this???


When I press a category link from the main catalog page ("categories" box) in order to view the products of a category, no products are shown in the next page, although the products do exist. I can see them both in the admin section and via the "new products" links on the bottom of my page. I just cannot see their images and descriptions through the links of the "categories" box!!! The page opens normally but there is nothing where the products' image and description should be...:unsure:


Could anyone suspect what might be happening or at least tell me which files are involved in this process???


Thanks a lot,


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yes, the products are fully added, actually until yesterday everything was functioning perfectly!


today I changed a line in currencies.php so that the price is not shown, it worked I don't think this was a problem because I restored that file and the problem remained...


thanks for the tip anyway yesudo, if you can think of anything else please tell!



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