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Manually edit item count


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Hello again.


I posted a few questions here yesterday and got really helpful answers, but I'm sorry, I have to post one of them again... I thought I


I simply cannot figure out how to allow the user to manually edit a text field stating how many items he wants to buy. I can make a dropdown with numbers from 1 to 100 or something but that seems a bit dumb. There has to be a simple way to do this

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ooops, sent the first one by accident, I'll try again:


Hello again.


I posted a few questions here yesterday and got really helpful answers, but I'm sorry, I have to post one of them again...


I simply cannot figure out how to allow the user to manually edit a text field stating how many items he wants to buy. I can make a dropdown with numbers from 1 to 100 or something but that seems a bit dumb. There has to be a simple way to do this, but there is nothing in "product attributes" that I can see.


This is all I need for my store, the rest is working fine it seems.




Thank you,


Jon Oskar

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