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The e-commerce.

site review...flash parts!!...jungle theme!!...


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HI all...

Just finished this:



choose Gallery for the oscommerce side of things...


any suggestions or problems on your end would be greatly appreciated


note: there are a few buttons that I haven't changed over to my button style...this is noted and being worked on...


thanks everyone!!


Joey Stubblefield

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The dark background with the dark fonts is hard to read. It is difficult to get the effect you're trying for and keeping things easy to read. Also the boxes on the catalog page contrast too much with the background (the very bright boxes with the dark background doesn't go well).

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I think most people will agree with me that black backgrounds, with very few exceptions, are no good for eCommerce sites. There is nothing warm and inviting about a black background with blood red text. At least it does not create the warm and fuzzy feeling that I want when I drop 500 g's on a pair of african tusks.


With that said, my goodness man you are selling 500k dollar tusks! To say it very plain, you are selling five hundred thousand dollar items with a site that looks like it cost about $250.00 to make. You have a stock layout with a different stylesheet.


When Realitors want to sell a 500,000.00 house, they wear a suit because they have to look like they belong selling a house of that price. Very much in the same mindset, your site is your salesman. Right now, its wearing a T-Shirt. There is nothing about your site that would in any way convince me to spend that kind of money there.


-> !! <- while this might build excitement with the 14-20 set, I doubt it will make your customers eager to whip out their gold cards on your items. Drop the double exclamation points too.

My advice comes in two flavors- Pick the one that won't offend you.


Hard and Cynical: How to Make a Horrible osCommerce Site


Warm and Fuzzy: How to Make an Awesome osCommerce Site

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