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The e-commerce.

AOL Browser


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Curious if anyone else has been experiencing problems with AOL users not being able to use the store. My store has only a few minor tweaks (coupons) so I'm dealing primarily with the original files. Regardless what page an AOL user goes to, they are forced to the login.php page. Only exception to this is when going to the homepage directly. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, have you fixed it and could you supply a solution?


I have been unsuccessful at troubleshooting this problem so far.


My Store:


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Odd. I just tried searching for 'AOL' and got this message:


Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.


The error returned was:


Sorry, the board administrator has enabled search flood control. Please wait at least 20 seconds before trying again.


This was my first search tonight, so there wasn't any flooding to control. I then immediately searched for 'shipping' and had no problem. I then tried 'AOL' again, same error, then 'shipping', with no problem. Could it be a case of everyone searching for AOL all at once? LOL


Anyway, in case you're having this same search problem, Divx, here's something to consider: AOL's IP's fluctuate, which normally causes logout problems on some non-osCommerce systems, and the same could be happening here. I don't know the in's and out's of osC yet, but if there's a way to have osC only check for the first 2 octets of the IP instead of 3, that should solve your problem.


I know it's not much, but hopefully it'll get you started in the right direction.

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I have been seeing the same problem for my site lately. i also can't do a searc in these forums, so if you find where the ip address is being checked, could you share it? Thanks...

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  • 4 weeks later...

the search feature on this forum is the sh@tz. You can search till you're blue in the face - you either get no reults or you get 700+ pages worth of results.


I think if the admins here would rectify this it would cut down on the repetitive posting and thus the real posts would probably get a bit of attention. But what do i know. I've only run a forum successfully for 6 years. With a working search feature i might add.

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I had the same problem with AOL and now I don't. There is a VERY easy fix for this problem. Under Configuration/Sessions in your Admin have just Force Cookie Use and Prevent Spider Sessions as True. All else to False.


That is all i did and I have not had problems with AOL users in our online store since.





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