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Tax Zone Setup Help


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My customer who's using osCommerce needs to setup two tax zones. One tax zone for orders placed from Colorado, and one for orders placed from Illinois.


Currently the system is adding tax from both of these zone together.


It needs to apply the tax based on where the order is place (CO or IL) Can anyone provide any assistance with this? I'm just not sure the correct way to setup the tax area in OSCommerce for this scenario.



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  • 6 years later...

I am having the same problem. Can you tell me how to solve it ? Thanks.




Here's the step I was missing - after I set up the tax zones and tax rates, I had to...


Click on Tax Zones, click on the zone in question (generally the state), then click on the Details button on the right. Hit Insert on the next page that comes up then choose the country and zone you want to associate it to.

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