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HELP! Default Email Editing


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Ok, I have searched these boards and looked through files and the database.....


But I can not figure out how to edit the "Welcome" email that is sent out to customers!!!


There are two, I suppose... One confirming the order and one just welcoming the new customer. I want to edit the one that welcomes the new user.


Can someone help me out here?



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This is in your \catalog\includes\languages\english\create_account.php

define('EMAIL_SUBJECT', 'Welcome to ' . STORE_NAME);
define('EMAIL_GREET_MR', 'Dear Mr. %s,' . "\n\n");
define('EMAIL_GREET_MS', 'Dear Ms. %s,' . "\n\n");
define('EMAIL_GREET_NONE', 'Dear %s' . "\n\n");
define('EMAIL_WELCOME', 'We welcome you to <b>' . STORE_NAME . '</b>.' . "\n\n");
define('EMAIL_TEXT', 'You can now take part in the <b>various services</b> we have to offer you. Some of these services include:' . "\n\n" . '<li><b>Permanent Cart</b> - Any products added to your online cart remain there until you remove them, or check them out.' . "\n" . '<li><b>Address Book</b> - We can now deliver your products to another address other than yours! This is perfect to send birthday gifts direct to the birthday-person themselves.' . "\n" . '<li><b>Order History</b> - View your history of purchases that you have made with us.' . "\n" . '<li><b>Products Reviews</b> - Share your opinions on products with our other customers.' . "\n\n");
define('EMAIL_CONTACT', 'For help with any of our online services, please email the store-owner: ' . STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS . '.' . "\n\n");
define('EMAIL_WARNING', '<b>Note:</b> This email address was given to us by one of our customers. If you did not signup to be a member, please send an email to ' . STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS . '.' . "\n");


Fan of OSC system.................

Comming From China.............

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