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The e-commerce.

one fix for not sending emails


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Using a test environment with Win XP Apache2 php4 and mysql


I spent 2 or 3 days trying to get oscommerce to send an email but it would not send the message. I tried with smtp = myisp.server.com and the other setting sendmail_from = [email protected] in php.ini. However it would not send anything there was no error message but no emails were being sent. My settings in oscommerce were correct and I even tried using windows sendmail but no message was sent.


After much hair pulling and forum searching I discovered that Zonealarm was the problem. I shutdown Zonealarm and the message was sent started Zonealarm again and no message sent.

There were no errors or blocking messages from Zonealarm or oscommerce and nothing in any log files.


It just goes to show how simple solutions are when you know them B)


Firewalls in general might be a problem in a test environment....




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It would be a good idea for others to post their solutions after they find a fix. During my time searching for this and other problems I had, lots of posters have managed to fix things but they don't seem to say how they did it.


Instead of just saying "fixed it thanks" "it's working now" or words to that effect it would contribute immensly to the community if they summarised their fix. Then when others have similar problems they can look at the summary and see if it will help them.



Just a thought! B)

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