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Some image questions


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Hello again all,


I was having problems with images being distorted, so someone suggested setting small image height and width to 0 - which worked great (Only now where it says click for larger image, it's the same size - not too bothered about that though)


Now I have realised, that when some of my images display in the 'whats new' or 'new products for feb' sections, they throw my whole page layout out of whack!


http://www.uk-survuval.co.uk/shop - you'll see what I mean.


Can anyone please please help, as one I get this sorted im just about ready to go - but its really doing my head in!


Cheers in advance,


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Forget it, figured out a bodge.


Set 'calculate image size' to false.

Set 'small image height' and 'width' to whatever you want eg 60x60


Then change all you images to be roughly square in shape to avoid distortion - so, if your image was rectangular, copy and paste it onto a square canvas, and use that one.


This seems to fix all the problems - now when i 'click for larger image' I get a larger image! Woo hoo! And my page layout is now constant.



Hope this helps others who may be equally 'technically challenged' like me! :rolleyes:

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