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The e-commerce.

Downlodable Item Contribution!


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Hello, I'm using the download contribution on my site to sell e-goods. My shared hosting account is filling up really fast with zip files for download in the downloads directory. Is there a way to point the download folder to another server? Or my home server so that when people download something is pulls from a location on my server instead of the hosting companies server? Can I do this?


If anyone knows how to make a change like this please let me know. We don't have the money yet to buy a dedicated server, we are running out of room really fast. This would help us out until we have enough money to buy a dedicated server.



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you could find another host who offers more space. how much space are you using and how much are you paying?


for redirecting to another system, would be pretty tough, when someone purchases an item, then osCommerce sets a 'flag' for that particular user by timestamp, etc allowing for the download. you would have to rewrite a redirect program, and if doing so to your home, would kill your sales, as people would get upset at the slow time downloading and probably start demanding refunds. you also have possible more security breaches that way too.

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