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The e-commerce.

Restoring Backup


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I am hosting my own pages via a Mitel E-smith Server at home. (www.contrib.org)


I am very much of a newbie to osCommerce (database, mysql etc...).


I have been entering all my stock items and by mistake I deleted about 300 products in a category.


Luckily, I only just finished making a backup of those items.


Now I am trying to restore this back up and it seems to go up to 39% and then gives me a message that...


"While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.xxxx/catalog/admin/backup.php?


The following error was encountered:


Zero Sized Reply

Squid did not receive any data for this request.


Your cache administrator is admin@xxxxxxxx.


Can anyone help me work out how to restore those items???


I haven't worked with any of mysql clients and don't know much about databases.





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yes, open that with wordpad, some text editor, copy and paste into the sql query box and away you go. if using mysql connector, just connect to the database, then select 'sql' and then when that window opens, click on file and browse to the backup file

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