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Table Redesign


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Which tables? The main tables are in each catalog file, e.g. product_info.php, advanced_search.php, etc. Tables can also be found in boxes (includes/boxes/*) and modules (includes/modules/*), as well as in includes/header.php and includes/footer.php




Always back up before making changes.

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Oh....er....sorry. I mean the main ones down the side of the home page i.e Categories, Quick Find, Information, Shopping Cart, Reviews, Languages and Currencies.




PHP?!? Long live HTML!!!! But then again we never stop learning.

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Ok, I can change the corners at the top of each box but how do I change the colour of the bar between each end? I can not find the Hex colour anywhere?


Pompeylad <_<

PHP?!? Long live HTML!!!! But then again we never stop learning.

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