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help required for mods to a live store


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The site I have done has been running well since the launch back in April but its time to alter some of the features on there.


I would like to first remove the start date next to the hits amount. I have found counter.php how would I remove "since Sunday 27 April, 2003" so it just shows the amount of requests?


I planned to add coolmenu system to replace the current nav bar, but i would like to know if it works with older versions (plus how do i found out which release I have cos i forgot :rolleyes: )


We are currently being asked about stock status and i would like to install a contribution to show this perhaps as a text line sayig "Stock Status: In Stock" ect, which contribution is best and will work with Easy Populate once its installed?


As the standard install i currently have the new products shown on the main page. I would like to change this so i can choose the products i wish to display perhaps the specials?


After installing a VAT module the pricing has always shown the inc vat first. I would like to rearrange the pricing so it displays exc vat (in bold) and then inc vat where can this be done?


Finally i would like to add news section which is briefly displayed on the main page and then a full page news.php, which contribution is the best suited?



Any help would be much appreciated





See the live store here:-


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whatever you do, i do not recommend to do this in a live store. create another folder on your server and copy your whole store folder to it.

create another database and use a backup from the live store to populate it. change the configure.php files to point to the new folder and then modify it there.

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to proceed with the other items you reuqire, ie add contributions, your best bet would be to download the contributions and read through the installation procedures and look at the code. see if it states in there if it will work with older versions. then look at the code you want to put onto your store and compare it with what you have. if the lines you are to find are identical to the installation instructions, then you should be good to go. if they are not identical, you have some work to do.

you did not list the version of osCommerce you are using, thus for anyone to say honestly that what you require will work with yours, not possible. action is better than none at all

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