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Recommended PHP IDE?


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I'm using PHPEdit 0.7 for editing only. It works reasonably well, at least after I set all of the configuration options to do what I wanted. It doesn't like my portable drive very much, but I only use that for backups, so I can live with that. Otherwise it is pretty stable and does what I want. The occasional crash is mostly due to my work habits.


I use phpdev for the test environment (Apache, PHP, MySQL). This works very well, again after tweaking various init files.


All of the above is running on a Win2k box with a ton of other software. I tend to have 15-20 programs running at once, which really stresses everything. Given my bad habits, the above software performs amazingly well.




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What are any good open source PHP IDE's out there? Is anyone using PHPEdit?




Hi Fred,

I use EditPlus (www.editplus.com) and that is a good one. I dont know about PHPEdit so cant say whether EditPlus is better than PHPEdit.

BTW ther is one more editor called Zend IDE (www.zend.com).It is a good one (although not free).

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