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Parse Error I Think


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I am now at my wits end. Does anybody know why I keep geting this above line in my footer?


Warning: error_log: Unable to write to /var/log/www/tep/page_parse_time.log in ......./catalog/includes/application_bottom.php on line 20 Parse Time: 0.357shtml>



Also why can't I goto my members login or new account log in pages? I did say yes to ssl when I setup OSC but I still have not got it yet (I will get it when I start to get my stock in), would this be a problem?

PHP?!? Long live HTML!!!! But then again we never stop learning.

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Turn "store page parse time" to false in oyur admin panel.


And I would think you need to have a SSL certificate installed even if it is self signed to have SSL work.






define('ENABLE_SSL_CATALOG', 'true'); // secure webserver for catalog module


Change to false

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Thanks for the info. The warning has now gone.


But I still can not get to the members login or new account log in pages. I have turned the ssl command to false, but still no luck. Do you think I will have to install ssl to view these pages or do I have a broken link some where?




PHP?!? Long live HTML!!!! But then again we never stop learning.

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I really need a hand with this one!!!


Has anybody had the same problem, with not being abel to access their log in member pages? Will they only run with a ssl certifcate?



PHP?!? Long live HTML!!!! But then again we never stop learning.

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