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USPS module error in http_client.php


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I have my new userid and pwd from USPS and am trying to test.

I have pointed it to "test" and enabled the module, however I get this error at the top of my page when I go to shipping:


Warning: fsockopen, pfsockopen, mysql_list_dbs, mysql_stat, ini_get, ini_get_all, ini_alter, ini_set, get_current_user, get_defined_constants, get_include_path, php_ini_scanned_files, php_uname, phpcredits, phpinfo, restore_include_path, set_include_path, set_time_limit, version_compare, zend_version, getmyinode, getmypid, getmyuid, getmygid, getopt, getrusage, assert_options, assert, dl, mysql_pconnect, shell_exec() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/content/e/l/e/elea/html/includes/classes/http_client.php on line 330


line 330 reads:

  if (!$this->socket = fsockopen($host, $port, $this->reply, $this->replyString)) {
         return false;


any idea where to troubleshoot this? yes, I have read all the forum posts I can find about USPS. Thanks for any help.




every day above ground is a good day.

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I used to. Have since moved to LunarPages. Much better bang for the buck. Better support, MUCH less downtime, I could go on and on . . .



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Thanks for the tip.

How hard was it to move? Did godaddy just let you move on without charging you a bundle of $$$?




every day above ground is a good day.

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