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Using OScommerce For Download Music Store!


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Hey guys,

I want to create an online download music store similar to itunes or buymusic.com for indie hip hop and I would like to ask a few questions.


1. I want to sell 99cent downloads. Does anyone know of a payment processor who will handle such micropayments? Of couse it will have to work with oscommerce.


2. I know that you can sell downloads invidually through oscommerce. But say someone wants to buy an album, is there a way to let that user automatically download all the tracks to that corresponding album or will I have to make a seperate download file containing all the album tracks for those who want to download the album AND provide the album tracks seperately for those who might just want a song of two off that album?


3. How does the whole download process work in oscommerce? Can we assign the number of times a person can download something if the download is interupted? Is there a way to keep people from leeching onto the url?


I'd be interested in anyone's reply... especially those selling downloads whether they're music or not... :D

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oh yeah....


I want the labels who are letting me sell their music to be able to login and see how many times they're songs have been downloaded? Is this possible?


If not, is it possible to have each of the labels automatically emailed when their songs are sold?

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Music Download Store Template


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your best bet is to install and see how it works (it does work and great) for the payment item, well you will need to find a processing company which isnt going to charge you an arm and a leg. be better off selling a minimum amount of 'downloads' and then the customer will have credit if they dont use them all. that way you dont get nailed with lots of fees. you can set the times of a download, by days and # of downloads and next to impossible to get into the download url if done properly

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  • 1 month later...

I have a solution that lets your customers use pre paid phone cards to process micropayments online. They can buy the card online with their credit card and then use it to purchase your music. It is perfect for what you want and saves you from the fees dilema of credit cards. if you are interested , contact me offline.

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