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Weird Cart problems


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First, let me state that this is the 4th cart I moved to a different server, and I'm not too inexperienced at moving it over and changing the configuration.


Anyway, we recently moved a cart over, populated the database with the data from the database on our server, and made the appropriate changes.... then all hell broke loose!


front pages show up, as well as the admin sections, but whenever you click on anything you get a fatal php error..


Fatal error: Failed opening required 'includes/languages/.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /home/sites/showhors/web/catalog/admin/includes/application_top.php on line 130


It looks like the $languages variable isnt being found, but I checked the database and everything and the values queried and assigned were there.


I also went ahead, wiped it out, and tried a fresh install. No luck


Right now, I'm grasping at straws... this is a live cart that gets anywhere from 10 to 15 orders at minimum! PLEASE! Any ideas are welcomed!


I put an .htaccess file in the dir to turn on register globals like on other carts, everything checks out fine! Here is my config file:




osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2003 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License



// Define the webserver and path parameters

// * DIR_FS_* = Filesystem directories (local/physical)

// * DIR_WS_* = Webserver directories (virtual/URL)

define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.site.com'); // eg, http://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER', 'http://www.site.com');


define('ENABLE_SSL_CATALOG', 'false'); // secure webserver for catalog module

define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); // where the pages are located on the server

define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', 'admin/'); // absolute path required

define('DIR_FS_ADMIN', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'admin/'); // absolute pate required

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', ''); // absolute path required

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ); // absolute path required

define('DIR_WS_IMAGES', 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_ICONS', DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icons/');

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG_IMAGES', DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_INCLUDES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/');

define('DIR_WS_BOXES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'boxes/');

define('DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'functions/');

define('DIR_WS_CLASSES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'classes/');

define('DIR_WS_MODULES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'modules/');

define('DIR_WS_LANGUAGES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'languages/');

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES', DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'includes/languages/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/languages/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'images/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_MODULES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/modules/');

define('DIR_FS_BACKUP', DIR_FS_ADMIN . 'backups/');



// define our database connection

define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost'); // eg, localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'user');

define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', 'password');

define('DB_DATABASE', 'database');

define('USE_PCONNECT', 'false'); // use persisstent connections?

define('STORE_SESSIONS', ''); // leave empty '' for default handler or set to 'mysql'



This is the exact same configuration for another cart, with just different address, location, and database info... Any ideas what could be going on?

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If anyone could please answer this thread, it will be greatly apperciated.. this is a a very urgent, VERY SERIOUS problem, and I need to get this cart fixed ASAP....


If I find the answer, I'll be sure to post it here.

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try changing:

define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); // where the pages are located on the server


to the actual path on the server

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Thanks for trying to help, but that wasnt it... $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] just translates to the document root and DOES work (I use this so I dont have to change each time we move servers).


Our sysadmin looked into it on the server side, and fixed it. I will pst what he told us so that people who have this problem in the future don't face the same problems with no possible chance of help.


On showhorse the following resulted in errors:


a)  "php_value register_globals 1"    in the httpd conf file



B)  an .htaccess file in catalog of:

# $Id: .htaccess,v 1.3 2003/06/12 10:53:20 hpdl Exp $


# This is used with Apache WebServers


# For this to work, you must include the parameter 'Options' to

# the AllowOverride configuration


# Example:


# <Directory "/usr/local/apache/htdocs">

#  AllowOverride Options

# </Directory>


# 'All' with also work. (This configuration is in the

# apache/conf/httpd.conf file)


# The following makes adjustments to the SSL protocol for Internet

# Explorer browsers


<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>

  <IfDefine SSL>

    SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \

            nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \

            downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0




# Fix certain PHP values

# (commented out by default to prevent errors occuring on certain

# servers)


#<IfModule mod_php4.c>

#  php_value session.use_trans_sid 0

#  php_value register_globals 1




c) an .htaccess file of  "php_flag register_globals on"  in /web



Removing the last corrected the issue.

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