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The e-commerce.

sales tax issues


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I am trying to understand the tax issues for the e-commerce product. Is there any general documentation that can help bring me up to speed?


I have two questions;


My first question is, if I make a good taxable, it seems to show the price + tax on all the display screens... I am looking to display the items w/o including the tax amount, and then have the total screen show the tax...


My second question is, my shop is in California. Our tax rate is 7.875%... can I tax people that are in state, but not tax people that are out of state?



[email protected]

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I've read the documentation several times. Here are my questions:


How are the tax rates tied to the customer's address?

How do you apply the more than 30 tax rates that California has by county?

How do you not tax items sold to distributors?


Twice I've attempted to install the County Sales Tax Mod that was contributed, but couldn't make it work. Plus, it should allow for a pull-down menu for counties, if the county is in your state. <_<

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