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Language and Manufacturers filter


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When I use the Manufacturers filter in a category products listing (index.php) it seems the answers are given in the default (start ?) language and not in the language I've chosen.


Is it a configuration problem or a bug ?


Thx in advance.


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It's configuration problem. Have you install language package by yourself or change any config about language ? In normal way, after install, everything running very well. ;)

Fan of OSC system.................

Comming From China.............

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Thanks SunYe.

But actually it's more than losing language only. SessionID is lost in the call, and a new session starts...


I've fixed the problem the following way : include the sessionID as an hidden field in the filter form of index.php.


The parameters for the form (somewhere about line 275) are now as follows :


echo ' <td align="center" class="main">' . tep_draw_form('filter', FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'get') . TEXT_SHOW . ' ' . tep_hide_session_id();


Hope this helps !

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