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Info box problem


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For some reason the text in my info boxes is too large. i have changed the stylesheet so it is set at 10px, i have changed my template (using sts) so the font is size 1 but it still won't go back to a normal size.


i installed graphical borders so i think that's what has changed the font or stoped the boxes using the stylesheet or template or something. the boxes get the border from the stylesheet but don't seem to obey the font sizes


i have searched through every file and the only thing i can think of is something in /includes/classes/boxes.php with the list of variables defined at the top is there some way of putting in there the font size.


please help as i've spent over a week looking everything and i don't know what i'm looking for or even how to solve it.

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I completely understand.. as I went through this also. The answer for me was to make a number of changes <_<. Changing the font-size: in stylesheet.css will modify the text in most boxes but not all. For example I found that I had to modify the font-size for infoBoxContents in the stylesheets.css to change the font in the Bestsellers box.


Hope this helps

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i've changed quite a few text sizes in the stylesheet to rule them out. the only ones now NOT set at 10 are





as i figured that those were definatly not controlling normal infobox text

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