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from where can i change the product status


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hi all


from where can i change the product status


i want to traslate it in a nother language


so i want to chang the waiting and deleverd to another words how which file should i modify thanks


note : i know how to change the status from the admin but i mean i want to change the word it self :)

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hi all


from where can i change the product status


i want to traslate it in a nother language


so i want to chang the waiting and deleverd to another words how which file should i modify thanks


note : i know how to change the status from the admin but i mean i want to change the word it self :)

Look for order_status in your database. You should be able to edit them there. I just tried it and it worked for me.


Hope this helps.



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this is the ordere status


define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Orders Status');

define('TABLE_HEADING_ORDERS_STATUS', 'Orders Status');
define('TABLE_HEADING_ACTION', 'Action');

define('TEXT_INFO_EDIT_INTRO', 'Please make any necessary changes');
define('TEXT_INFO_ORDERS_STATUS_NAME', 'Orders Status:');
define('TEXT_INFO_INSERT_INTRO', 'Please enter the new orders status with its related data');
define('TEXT_INFO_DELETE_INTRO', 'Are you sure you want to delete this order status?');
define('TEXT_INFO_HEADING_NEW_ORDERS_STATUS', 'New Orders Status');
define('TEXT_INFO_HEADING_EDIT_ORDERS_STATUS', 'Edit Orders Status');
define('TEXT_INFO_HEADING_DELETE_ORDERS_STATUS', 'Delete Orders Status');

define('ERROR_REMOVE_DEFAULT_ORDER_STATUS', 'Error: The default order status can not be removed. Please set another order status as default, and try again.');
define('ERROR_STATUS_USED_IN_ORDERS', 'Error: This order status is currently used in orders.');
define('ERROR_STATUS_USED_IN_HISTORY', 'Error: This order status is currently used in the order status history.');


but the words delevered procces pending ??!!

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this is the ordere status


define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Orders Status');

define('TABLE_HEADING_ORDERS_STATUS', 'Orders Status');
define('TABLE_HEADING_ACTION', 'Action');

define('TEXT_INFO_EDIT_INTRO', 'Please make any necessary changes');
define('TEXT_INFO_ORDERS_STATUS_NAME', 'Orders Status:');
define('TEXT_INFO_INSERT_INTRO', 'Please enter the new orders status with its related data');
define('TEXT_INFO_DELETE_INTRO', 'Are you sure you want to delete this order status?');
define('TEXT_INFO_HEADING_NEW_ORDERS_STATUS', 'New Orders Status');
define('TEXT_INFO_HEADING_EDIT_ORDERS_STATUS', 'Edit Orders Status');
define('TEXT_INFO_HEADING_DELETE_ORDERS_STATUS', 'Delete Orders Status');

define('ERROR_REMOVE_DEFAULT_ORDER_STATUS', 'Error: The default order status can not be removed. Please set another order status as default, and try again.');
define('ERROR_STATUS_USED_IN_ORDERS', 'Error: This order status is currently used in orders.');
define('ERROR_STATUS_USED_IN_HISTORY', 'Error: This order status is currently used in the order status history.');


but the words delevered procces pending ??!!

The three words pending, processing, and delivered are not found in your order_status.php file but are found in your database. Go to you phpmyadmin for your database and click on order_status then click on browse and you will see the three fields to edit. You then click on edit and change the words to whatever you want them. I did this earlier just to make sure it worked and it does.



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hi carrerarod

thanks alot i dont want to swish the status i want to rename the three status


i do it befor but i forget now how did i do it :( i am sure that it is possible from the admin or from a php file but i dont remmber ----------------------------------------------------



thanks a lot i will try :)

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