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Columns are off when not logged in.


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Hello, hopefully someone can shed some light on my current situation. While editing the files the early morning I seem to have made an alteration that when not logged into my store the width of the columns becomes erratic, some 40 pixels or so, but when loggin in, the columns are fine.


Is there anyone who might know which file it was that I affected, I have checked column_right.php, and some others and they all appear fine, is it possible that something in the /languages/english/index.php file could have set it astray?? or /languages/english.php these are two of the files i was changing the most.


Thank you for your time and help

"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough" - Og Mandino

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Sorry forgot to include a link to the site.




It's around 3:40am my time, so it could be the simplest thing that messed up my columns. I have client eager to see the site in about 6 hours, so if anyone could shed some light as to where I may have made a mistake it would be very helpful, and life-saving.



"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough" - Og Mandino

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Problem solved...found a back up copy of my old file, have learned my lesson, and will be backing up before every edit for now on.

"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough" - Og Mandino

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