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Download Problem


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I'm having a little trouble with the download function. Everything in the cart is working fine until I get to the checkout_success page with the download link. The file I'm making available to download is an Adobe Acrobat document (pdf).


When I click on the link and either open it or save it, Acrobat tells me that the file is corrputed. My original file size is 451 kb, but the file that is downloaded is 2 KB, so I know something is getting screwed up.


I've verified that the permissions are set properly and I've tried uploading the file in both binary and ascii. I'm using 2.2 MS2.


Any suggestions?




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  • 3 weeks later...

I was having precisely the same problem and searched this database for possible solutions. I took the advice given in this posting and examined the contents of the corrupted file using notepad. Despite the files .pdf extension, the file was actually and HTML error log.


Apparently, when the user clicks the download link in OSC, it creates a temporary download file/directory in the pub directory. Permissions for the pub directory were not set to allow me to create files with in it. Changing the permissions on the pub directory solved the problem.



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