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Preferred Customer Discount Module???

Jeremy Lancaster

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I have been working with our programmer on a book store site for the last few months. I'd like to be able to separate our customer base by 2 or 3 customer discount categories.


Regular Customer: No discount (just requires a normal registration)

Preferred Customer: 10% off all products

Executive Customer: 25% off all products



My programmer indicates to me that he can add the additional discount modules, but I would have to go into each customer account and adjust their status to the correct discount. That process would take too long.


I prefer to be able to place a check mark next to each customer name to upgrade them to a discount module, or some other mass update that I can do in a list.


Can someone help me with this?


Are there any other ideas that I have not thought of?


My programmer also stated that the discount would apply automatically at the shopping cart level, which is nice.





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