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Rental Returns


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Hi, all!


I'm building a rental store and need some way of tracking returns by product.


In short, customers order and rent several products but might not get them all shipped at the same time and might not return them all at the same time.


Is there a mod to track order status by individual product?


I've looked at most of the contribs and seems most people use the comments fields in the admin. But, I don't think this will work for me.





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  • 4 months later...
Hello, I'm also building a car rental site, and would need to charge according to the amount of days a car will be taken and the type of car that's being taken.


Any ideas?



A lot of what you want can be done with the language files by changing the titles and wording.


List each type of car with an associated daily price. Change the language file to say, "Price per day." Instead of "Price each." Then the customer would select the car and order the days required.


You will still need to have a product field for "Ordered" "Checked Out" and "Returned", and be able to print that field out in your Admin "Order" page and maybe somewhere in the Customer's History File.



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