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The e-commerce.

Catalog only


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I would use osCommerce for an online catalog-only site. I want to use it, because I will use the purchase options later. Which is the best way to do this? Commenting each link appears to be *hard*.


I need:


- No prices listed,

- no user Registration,

- no cart, no checkout.


Thanks in advance.

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A 'quick suggestion', might be to use the principle of the contibution that hides categories, but in a simple modified preliminary case, instead of hiding the category, based upon the category status, you customize the code so that for those particular categories, you do no show the add to cart buttons etc... This would then later allow you to switch on / use other categories later where you do want to enable product items to be purchased.

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand." -- Albert Einstein

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I am also looking at doing something similar for some friends of mine trying to start a real estate buisness, I need to be able to add various images, and disable the add to cart and proceed to checkout functions all throughout the site, is this possible??


thanks in advance as i like the whole concept of oscommerce, and its free! (if only it could meet my specific needs....) thanks!

function over form

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