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use .htaccess to keep SSL alive


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Hi, a newbie question:


I have a problem with the admin site. When I log in the connection is HTTPS as it should be but when I start clicking about the navigation it changes to HTTP. I've tried to replace the regular domain name in HTTP_SERVER to the HTTPS address which helps but then I cannot access the product images folder anymore as it seems to look for it on the secure server.


Is it possible to use .htaccess file in /admin/ folder to force the SSL connection somehow and keep the regular http address in HTTP_SERVER at the same time?


Thanks for your time.

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I have a problem with the admin site. When I log in the connection is HTTPS as it should be but when I start clicking about the navigation it changes to HTTP. I've tried to replace the regular domain name in HTTP_SERVER to the HTTPS address which helps but then I cannot access the product images folder anymore as it seems to look for it on the secure server.


Is it possible to use .htaccess file in /admin/ folder to force the SSL connection somehow and keep the regular http address in HTTP_SERVER at the same time?


I'm sure you can do this somehow with .htaccess


Recently I needed to use mod-rewrite to control a HTTPS connection, and here is what i used:


RewriteEngine On 
# Check that it's 403 port 
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} ^403$ 
# Make proxy redirection 
RewriteRule ^secure/domainname/order-form\.php$ https://secure.example.com/~username/order-form.php [P]


... where 'example.com' is my domain name, and 'domainname' is a shared SSL connection, a users domain.


As this forum isn't _really_ a 'webmaster/programmers' site, I would suggest you post a thread to the Apache sub-forum, at the Sitepoint forums . There is an absolute genius/guru called pippo , who will definitely be able to answer your question. pippo has an artcile on 'mod_rewrite' at http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?t=117343



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