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The e-commerce.

Some tips on a new OSC user!


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I am in the process of setting up my OSCommerce site, well actually a friend is, and I am looking for some bright ideas and suggestions as to what to add to my setup! I have no idea what modifications I can do to this, even the simplest ones, it'll be ready for me to play with in about 14 hours, and I'ma want to start doing stuff!


Now let me start by telling you what I'm doing.

My site is going to be selling LED's, Light Emitting Diodes, and at low prices. I will advertise on forums and such, and I think it'd be cool to do something with coupons, or a discount code or something they can enter, per the forum they found it on. I'm open to any suggestions to make this go easier on me, or whatnoit. Just throw some ideas at me!


I'd greatly appreciate it!




v3 LEDs

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There are lots of contributions that you can download and use. Just click on contributions at the top of this page and enjoy! At last count I think I had 40 some contributions added.




What the hell was I thinkin'?

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Yes I saw all of them but there really isn't a descriptive thing next to each one so I can completely understand what they all do? Also, I was hopinh people would run some ideas by me about how they run their stuff and what they use and how, to make it run as smoothly and as quickly and as uniquely as possibe.

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The name of the contribution is usually (and I do say "usually") pretty indicative of what the contrib does. If you want more information, you will have to spend some time clicking the ones that interest you. This will open up a page that contains a more fuller description of what that particluar contrib does.


As to which ones YOU want to add...that really is entirely up to no-one but you.

How many bells and whistles do you want?

How user-friendly do you want your site to be?

How much interactivity do you want to offer your visitors?

How much distraction do you want for the customer, that will draw him away from the main focus of your site, which I would assume to be sales!


There are, as you have undoubtedly seen...literally HUNDREDS of contributions available to customise YOUR version of OSC.

Each one can be unique, or uniquely similar, or a blatant carbon copy of anyone elses.

If you want it to run smooth, then I would suggest that you either make sure you are very comfortable editing php, or that you install as few contributions as possible. The more contribs you add, the more you run the risk of slowing your site down, making the ride very bumpy, or even driving it right off the tracks!

Even those who have installed contributions to their own sites, have a site that may be different to someone else who has the same contribs, as people will always tinker with what they have, or they want a different layout, color, style, etc.


For what its worth, in my opinion, the best way to decide what you want to do with your site, is to browse the contribs, and see what you CAN do with your site from what is available, then select the ones that appeal to you most.

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