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extracting orders to text file?


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is there a way to extract orders to a text file, or something that can be cut and pasted into an email? or maybe something that could automatically create and send an email of the invoice to my wholesaler?


the reason i ask, is that all of our items are drop shipped from our supplier. right now, i basically go through and copy and paste the necessary information from the order into an email, which i send to our wholesaler. this can be very time consuming. i figure it would make sense to have something that would automatically extract this information for me in order to save some time. possibly something that can be run at the end of the day and do all the orders between a certain time frame or something.


basically i would want something that extracts the following information to either a text file or email:


invoice number


customer shipping address


items purchased w/attributes


shipping method


i am not sure if there is a contrib that does something like this, i have looked but have not found anything that sounds like it will do this. i don't have the knowledge to write a contrib, but i am hoping someone else needs something like this and can help me out.


any help will be appreciated. thanks

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There may well be a contribution for this already.


Assuming that I have not misunderstood the question:


The email that you get sent is generated in checkout_process.php, see the SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO statement.


If you are emailing the same supplier each time you could just enter them as another email address for in the SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS admin configuration section.


Or if you want to refine the email to only the information that you want sent, which seems to be everything except the customers billing address, then you would need to adjust the code around that particular section of the checout_process.php file, basically just replicate every that $email_text is doing, but with a variable calle email_supplier_text and just skip the bit where the billing address in added to the $email_text string.

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand." -- Albert Einstein

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yes, that sounds similar to what i want. all our supplier needs is the customer shipping information, invoice number, shipping method, and products w/attributes.


we get 95% of our products from one supplier. would there be a way to exclude orders containing a certain manufacturer. the other 5% we have to call in the order somewhere else.



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