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adding an email button in orders.php


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I would like to add an email button in orders.php

as it stands it displays the email address as a mailto:

here is how to add a button to quickly email a customer. Sometimes I needed to email a customer and the notify customer on an update doesnt really do that.


look for this code around line 150

<td class="main"><?php echo '<a href="mailto:' . $order->customer['email_address'] . '"><u>' . $order->customer['email_address'] . '</u></a>'; ?></td>


now after that add


<td class="main"> <?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_MAIL, 'selected_box=tools&customer=' . $order->customer['email_address'] . '">' . tep_image_button('button_email.gif', IMAGE_EMAIL) . '</a>'); ?></td>



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if you have it set on the orders section when you make changes, ie updated, processed, delivered, etc, it will send an email to the customer automatically. you need to turn that function on

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Yeah of course I knew that. But the problem is that when you update and notify a whole email is generated with text you may not wish to have in an email. Normally if I have a question with a customer I have to exit the orders.php page...and go to customers.php and then of course use the email button there. This is not quick nor is it efficent. My solution puts the email button also on the orders page. It will not interfere with any other function. This just creates a short cut from the orders page to the email and will already have the customer selected so you dont have to search the dropdown.

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its a nice simple mod. really useful! but my problem ist that i have customers which are not registered to my shop...purchase without account...

i would like to have this working for non-registered customers..

this time it works only with registered users..

do you think you can make it possible?

WAR is not the answer!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Holy COW!!!


Nice option! I never knew I needed it until I was going through the contribs and ran accross it.


It takes 15 seconds to install and if you mess anything up, let that be a hard lesson to stay out of the contrib area :P



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