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Flash Navigation with XML


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Hey guys and gals I 'm sure this is simple..but I'm trying to put a Nav bar in my header that reads an xml file for the information contained in the Navbar. I can get the Navbar to appear in my header but its missing the Text. It is changing to the appropriate colors on rollover that I assigned to it but it's not showing anything else. Can anybody help?

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Yep....flash and xml. I'll tell you though....the biggest problem with something like that is this: The menu will only show in the confines of flash....and depending on how many links you want in your menu, the menu may be longer than the flash movie....and then the menu will just get cut off.


I am actually looking into building the whole admin in flash, and something like that would work then....but for just a regular site, I would recommend a DHTML menu instead.



Chris Sullivan

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I'm using MX. The NAVBAR works locally when I test it. Did you specify the data source differently than just the file name or did you give it an actual path?

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definetly not a stupid question...I've done worse. But yes it's uploaded and in the same folder as the .swf. Did you have to specify a path in the component portion besides the actual xml filename? I don't know I'll keep plugging away. Thanks.

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No....you can just name the .xml file as long as it's in the same folder.




Like I said....MX 2004 PRO makes it so easy. If you do a lot of flash I would DEFINITELY recommend it.

Chris Sullivan

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I probably shouldn't be showing you this cause I threw it together in like 2 seconds, and it doesn't look right yet......but check this out:




Is this what you're talking about?



I've been looking for that for a long time.... will you share the source (FLA)?


thanks for the info

<span style='font-family:Courier'>If you can't fix it Perl it!!!...</span>


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