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help with deleting and insterting into a field


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Hi all


I need some help here:

I have two osc.. with many products with two languages

language_id = 1 English

language_id = 4 Italian


Now I have an other osc which I have many product but I have the two

languages as:

language_id = 1 English

language_id = 2 Italian


I need to change the language italian to have the same id = 2 or 4


Unfortunatelly I have many products in both osc otherwise I would do it manually.


I need a small script that would change the "2 to 4" or " 4 to 2 " in a table affected by languages..


CAN someone help with this small script?





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Ok, this is quick and dirty, but I tested it against my 2.2-ms3-cvs from earlier this month and it worked fine. I changed my languages_id from 1 to 2 and then back to 1. BTW, I have both a languages_id and a language_id. I guess maybe you know what you are trying to change.




So, back up your database, copy the code below into a file under your admin directory (e.g. catalog/admin/db_change.php), and load it up in your browser.


You've got three fields that should be self-explanatory: field_name, old_value, new_value.


If all goes well it will tell you what it changed.


You will need php 4.1, i think, for the get_defined_constants() function.


I do not check your input or anything like that. You probably want to delete the file when you are done with it.


Oh, and I'm running MySQL .... I'm not sure if osC supports other databases, but if it does this might not work if you are running some other DB, I don't know.




if (isset($_GET['field_name']) && isset($_GET['old_value']) && isset($_GET['new_value'])) {
 print "Changing ". $_GET['field_name'] ." from ". $_GET['old_value'] ." to ". $_GET['new_value'] ." in all tables...<br><br>";
 foreach (get_defined_constants() as $k => $v) {
	 if (substr($k,0,6) == "TABLE_") {
   $describe_qry = tep_db_query('describe '. $v);
   while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($describe_qry)) {
  	 if ($row['Field'] == $_GET['field_name'] ) {
     if (tep_db_query('UPDATE '. $v .' SET '. $_GET['field_name'] .'="'. $_GET['new_value'] .'" WHERE '. $_GET['field_name'] .'="'. $_GET['old_value'] .'"')) {
    	 print "Changed ". $_GET['field_name'] ." from ". $_GET['old_value'] ." to ". $_GET['new_value'] ." in table ". $v ."<br>";
     } else {
    	 print "Couldn't change value in table ". $v ."<br>";
 print "<br>done.</body></html>";



<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ?>" method="get">
 <input type="text" name="field_name" value="field_name">
 <input type="text" name="old_value" value="old_value">
 <input type="text" name="new_value" value="new_value">
 <input type="submit">



Hope that helps,




[EDIT]: watch out for line wraps ...

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Oh, if you don't trust that ... you could do it pretty easy by hand.


Just find all the tables where you want to change it and do:


UPDATE <table_name> SET language_id=<new_value> WHERE language_id=<old_value>;


I had 3 tables with languages_id and I think 5 or 6 with language_id, so it wouldn't be that much work.




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