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The e-commerce.

Manufacturer with price


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:unsure: To start with I will explain, what I need & the nature of this store. Then what I have done to try work around it.


<_< You can look at www.ringbilligt.nu to see the very same thing I need to do.


:( Basically my friend is looking to sell phonecards. These phoncard can call different countries which have different rates and amount of minutes.


:huh: So basically when I click let's say Card one I would like to see a list of countries with details on rates & minutes.


:unsure: What I'm thinking is, is it posibble to have dependent list of info on a product?


:huh: At the moment I have created the Calling Cards as Manufactures, and each country as a product but it isn't very efficient. So when I choose a manufacture I get a list of the Countries with rates & min.


:( But the country shouldn't be a product really, It's should only be extra info belonging to a calling card, but it needs to be in a database to ease changes etc.


My Question is it possible to have "child" products? :o


Is it possible to give a Manufacturer a Price and Buy options and remove these options from the actual products. :o


If you have any idea on how I could deal with this...please don't hesitate! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't read what's on that site, but don't they just have the countries in categories? Also, instead of "child" products, you could easily do sub-categories, if that fits in with what you're trying to do.

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Well, not really. My problem is that I have a product which has some child items. But these items shouldn't have a price! i.e.:


The product is the calling card and the child items are countries. Each country has some fields with info but shouldn't be an indepedent product. It should refer to the main product when clicked.


This is why I would like to know if you can make a product have same function as a category so that you can have items underneath the product. Though the product should be "sellable" not the items!


Thanks for you help.

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I guess I'm confused because I don't understand the breakdown in the cards. So what you're saying is, you can't do something like this?...





5 min $X.XX

15 min $X.XX

30 min $X.XX ...etc




5 min $X.XX

15 min $X.XX

30 min $X.XX ...etc



It sounds like you're wanting to do something more like...


5 min phone cards - $X.XX



Canada ...etc



Wouldn't it be easier all around to categorize by country? If I'm totally misunderstanding this, I hope you can clarify.

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