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The e-commerce.

Ceap & best Payment Mode??


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Pardon the typo in the topic field.


Is offline credit card processing much more cheaper? My store sells items which are over 500s and I simply can't afford to pay 2.xx% discount rate. It's ridiculeous - that's 20-80 dollars right out of the sale to the CC gateways. Is this discount only high for virtual online processing or this the same case through out the retail sector in North America?


What's the best way still accept CCs but avoid a this huge discount rates? This is a big money for a start up store you know.


Thanks for your opinions/ideas.



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You're going to have to pay somebody, something to process credit cards. It's just a fact of life & it's how the credit card companies make their money. (unless one chooses not pay down their bill each month)

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