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Adding a form to a category?


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Hi Guys,


Is it possible to add a form to a category, I need to add a form similar to the contact form except that it must have 5 fields and 2 of them fields must be drop down boxes.


Is this possible??





Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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Anything is possible - what exactly are you trying to do? Do the form/dropmenus have a fixed format or are they dynamic? What is the process that submission of the form outputs (assuming email from your post)? More info, more info..... :P



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I am assuming that this form then goes through an order process? I would say adding the form in the products description as the simplest solution. This still requires some thought however - you would not need the add to cart button to appear, but rather that it goes straight to checkout?



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Hi Matti,


I have managed to isolate the code and add it to my product but like you say its now trying to solve the problem of adding the product to the cart.


If you or anyone have any ideas then please let me know. I will not post the code because there is loads of it.





Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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