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The e-commerce.

Support System


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I have just installed the new support v1b on my shop site and come up against two problems. :(

(allthough they may be related to the same fault)



As per instructions, after installing the support system, I logged on to my Admin and selected Support System to configure it.


As the page opened, I was presented with the dreaded Fatal Error Message as follows:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_array_merge() in /catalog/admin/support.php on line 388


As I am very unfamiliar to php, I have not got a clue as to what all this means :huh:

(took me 3 weeks to work out how to customise the site :blink: )


The second problem is that when I click on the Support Help Desk on the actual site, I get the other dreaded error........404 Page Not Found.


Do I need to Swat Up on php so I know what I am doing :blink:

(I certainly will be doing anyway :rolleyes: )

or can some kind person help me out. :D


Thanks for any help


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you need to look in the installation instructions and find out where the tep_array_merge() is supposed to go, ie which program, make sure it is there, if not add it. this may solve botn . ..

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Thanks John,

Had a look through the Install insrtuctions but there is nothing related to the problem.


If it helps, the offending line in /catalog/admin/support.php is as follows:


<td class="smallText" align="right"><?php echo HEADING_TITLE_STATUS . ' ' . tep_draw_pull_down_menu('status', tep_array_merge(array(array('id' => '', 'text' => TEXT_ALL_ORDERS)), $orders_statuses), '', 'onChange="this.form.submit();"'); ?></td>


I have no idea of what it means appart from the obveous that it creates a Drop Down Menu.......I think :rolleyes:


Thanks for your help


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