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The e-commerce.

Getting started 101

David A

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I have read the Wiki.


My host automatically installed osC, but I don't know where there install stops and my configuration has to begin.


I have downloaded a mirror of osComm (folders) to my local site-hard drive, like you would do with a normal website, so I can ftp up and down - if thats the way you do it?


I can not view any of the php files? I thought these were viewable with Dreamweaver? All I see is jibberish


I am thinking do I have to have a 'server'? I don't have one of them.


Am I naive to think that you can work with the osComm files like you do normal web pages?


Be nice, I have a few books on mysql, php, asp etc and figuring this stuff out is like pulling teeth.

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My comments are probably worth jack, but I can only tell you how I did it! I downloaded and configured appache, my sql and oscommerce and configured them all on my win 98 standard (and crappy!) PII 333! I sorted out all my categories and stuff using the admin panel and uploaded everything, then tweaked many times with the css sheets till I could see what was happening where. Then I found out that all the .php files were in the English folder (the ones that show up on your site kind of thing). Opened all my php files in notepad, got the text books out and put in lots of bloody hard graft.


You soon learn what is what and where it fits in the structure. I even got adventurous and used some mods!! The Wiki Site is really good, as are all the peeps on here.


Bet that doesnt help at all - but it might! By the way, I am the most non techie person with severe programming phobia!


Good Luck!

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