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How to run a sql file if I don't have PHPmyAdmin


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if you only have mysqldump, means you have access to the mysql root access. so, the best bet is for you to go to mysql.com and learn about mysqldump as to how it is accessed, along with downloading mysql connector. perpahs your host requires you to install phpmyadmin yourself, the same as you did for osCommerce.


follow the instructions here:



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Can you give me the simplest way? I just want to add the following command


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS administrators;

CREATE TABLE administrators (

administrators_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,

administrators_username varchar(20) NOT NULL,

administrators_password varchar(40) NOT NULL,

administrators_allowed_pages varchar(255) DEFAULT '*' NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (administrators_id)



INSERT INTO administrators VALUES ( '1', 'admin', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', '*');


That is a contribution for adminaccess, can you tell me how by using MySQLdump?

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