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invoice and VAT rules thats legal for European Uni


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Iam a php rooky. Can anyone please help me making the invoice and VAT rules thats legal for European Union?

Importent this is only for shops insite EU. Shops outside EU selling to clients insite EU have different rules@%#$^...


The rules are:







Required when sign up, I think:


-vat number

-number chamber of commerce (eu)

-tax identification (usa)


TAX zones

-europe- entrepeneur (no vat)

-europe-non-entrepeneur (vat of countrey origine)

-rest world (non Vat

-Eu countrey of origine. (vat of countrey origine)



Required for invoice:

-client adress etc.

-shop adress etc


-date of invoice

-VAt number shop

-VAT number when eu entrepeneur or entrepeneur shop countrey of origin

-Description of EU VAT rules

-and always the prise also in Euro's. So when invoice in Dollars also the price in Euro's is stated!



So when client fills in country

-outsite EU the get tax from tax zone world.

-When insite EU the and give valid VAT number, they get tax zone eu.

-When insite EU the and not give valid VAT number, they get tax zone eu-non-entrepeneur.

-countrey of origin shop gets tax zone Eu countrey of origine.



Can anyone help me with this?


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This should be in the current CVS version. You can check back through the CVS commits (links available on the community page) and see what changes Mark has made to implement it. That would allow you to back port to MS2.




Always back up before making changes.

This should be in the current CVS version. You can check back through the CVS commits (links available on the community page) and see what changes Mark has made to implement it. That would allow you to back port to MS2.




How can I see what changes are for the features I want?



You have to read through and look for Mark's comments. He commented things when he was making the changes. The changes you would want would have been made by Mark Evans. It might be easier to find the proper time period if you search the forum for posts by sparky...he did announce when he had finished most of it.




Always back up before making changes.


hello thanks a lot for your info,

sorry this is way too high for me as php rooky...

Can you give me a hint when this all will be implimented in a stable version, or is the latest cvs version stable? Or is there anyone out there that can give me a clue where excactly i can find code for eu tax and invoices?



I ggave it a hit ones more,

i found some posts about European regulations and something called "workboard item 69", what is this , where can i find this?



Hi there


A lot of what you are after is available in current CVS.


The tax zones functionality should allow you to collect the correct tax from any situation.


What is not included is the addition of items such as VAT number as this is used in B2B functionality which is not the purpose of the current version of osCommerce.


Of course we will be adding more B2B functionality at a later date.

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)

Hi there


A lot of what you are after is available in current CVS.


The tax zones functionality should allow you to collect the correct tax from any situation.


What is not included is the addition of items such as VAT number as this is used in B2B functionality which is not the purpose of the current version of osCommerce.


Of course we will be adding more B2B functionality at a later date.

A lot of what you are after is available in current CVS.

Q: is this stable?

What if I want to add STS 1.8 and OSCaffiliate?


The tax zones functionality should allow you to collect the correct tax from any situation.

Q: Or can I yust add thos extra php files? I dont think so...


What is not included is the addition of items such as VAT number as this is used in B2B functionality which is not the purpose of the current version of osCommerce.

Q: There is a B2B contri, any experience?


Of course we will be adding more B2B functionality at a later date.

Q: Great!! But European VAt legislateion was implimented juli 2003. I now this is all volenture work. And iam very happy with it, but how do all shops work with this so far?



Hello from Greece!


Why don't you just add the TVA-Intracommunautaire v.3.2 contribution to your osC2.2MS2 ?


By adding that contribution, you get the necessary field for the VAT Number and so you can do B2B transactions! For "normal" shopping, you charge the VAT to your customer and you give afterwards this amount to your own state/country.


The only difficulty you will still have, is that you have to instruct osC to show the right tax-region, according to the description you made in your first message.


Greetings! :ph34r:





So current cvs version with TVA-Intracommunautaire v.3.2 contribution

will add all my required needs?

Can sparky or anyone with inside info answer this maybe?

I ask this to bee sure, because someone from rac have installed a lot of contributions on the ms2 version now, and have to do this over then...payed



I am talking about osC v.2.2 milestone 2 and not about osC 2.2 CVS. The CVS version is a version still in development and could be 'unstable', so personnaly I avoid it for a production site.

The stuff from workboard item 69 about european legislation is being incorporated in that CVS version. Your choice is, either to install 2.2 CVS with the work that has been done until now (and try to find which changes are already done), or to install 2.2MS2 and add the needed contributions.

As far as I am concerned, by reading the greek law (which kann not be very different that european legislation) I found out that I should include in my shop following functionalities:

- Ask the user to check that he has read the shop's sell/ship/return/etc policies before buying,

- Show near the product an estimation of shipping costs,

- And add the TAX-ID field, in case of a b2b transaction.


I do not know which are "all" your required needs, but if it is only a TAX-ID question, my humble opinion is that 2.2MS2+TVA intracommunautaire will do your job!


Best regards! B)





Where can I find the contribution for asking customers if they acept the using/shiping terms befor login?? or how can I make that??

There is a contribution for spain that is called NIF were the customers should use to put their TAX-id (NIF is the name for a particular and CIF is for a company) I think that I can use it.


Another thing about taxes, I would like to aply taxes for the billing address insted shipping address, Is is posible??




Look for following contributions:


Must Agree To Privacy-statement 2.2MS2v1.00 2002/07/12

'The "Must Agree To Privacy-statement" contribution enhances standard OSC create_account logic by forcing the customer to agree to the store's privacy-statement in order to create a new account.'




Must Agree To Terms 2.2MS2v1.00 2002/07/12

'The "Must Agree To Terms" contribution enhances standard OSC Checkout logic by forcing the customer to agree to the store's terms in order to place a new order.'




I found out that I should include in my shop following functionalities:

- Ask the user to check that he has read the shop's sell/ship/return/etc policies before buying,

- Show near the product an estimation of shipping costs,

- And add the TAX-ID field, in case of a b2b transaction.


I do not know which are "all" your required needs, but if it is only a TAX-ID question, my humble opinion is that 2.2MS2+TVA intracommunautaire will do your job!

hello B from Greece!,

This is helohelo from the Netherlands


I talk about invoice and tax. See the first post in this threat:


Required when sign up, I think:


-vat number

-number chamber of commerce (eu)

-tax identification (usa)


TAX zones

-europe- entrepeneur (no vat)

-europe-non-entrepeneur (vat of countrey origine)

-rest world (non Vat

-Eu countrey of origine. (vat of countrey origine)



Required for invoice:

-client adress etc.

-shop adress etc


-date of invoice

-VAt number shop

-VAT number when eu entrepeneur or entrepeneur shop countrey of origin

-Description of EU VAT rules

-and always the prise also in Euro's. So when invoice in Dollars also the price in Euro's is stated!



So when client fills in country

-outsite EU the get tax from tax zone world.

-When insite EU the and give valid VAT number, they get tax zone eu.

-When insite EU the and not give valid VAT number, they get tax zone eu-non-entrepeneur.

-countrey of origin shop gets tax zone Eu countrey of origine.


And as you said yourself:

<quote>The only difficulty you will still have, is that you have to instruct osC to show the right tax-region, according to the description you made in your first message.



I know how to add tax zone but how will osc add the euro tax zone as entrepeneur client fills in the VAT number? And when not filling in VAT, he/she has to get the tax zone with VAT...


Will 2.2MS2 with TVA intracommunautaire solve this? I only think it adds the tax field to fill in the VAT and of course the 2 must agree contributions.



Nope ... I don't think there is any contribution adding as much stuff as you request! You have to try out the CVS version and see if you can find everything!







try to install current cvs (2-2-20040 to see what sparky means by "all is in there"

but get these errors:


New Installation


osCommerce Configuration



Warning: fopen("/home/httpd/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/osctest/catalog/catalog/admin/includes/configure.php", "w") - No such file or directory in /home/httpd/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/osctest/catalog/catalog/install/templates/pages/install_7.php on line 259


Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in /home/httpd/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/osctest/catalog/catalog/install/templates/pages/install_7.php on line 260


Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in /home/httpd/vhosts/omysite.com/httpdocs/osctest/catalog/catalog/install/templates/pages/install_7.php on line 261

The configuration was successful!




one step further:TVA-Intracommunautaire v.3.2

is now upgraded to:


E.U. VAT Intracom Number


this adds the VAT field and (top notch) even verifies this vat number automaticly at the EU site!!!!

Great, this was my %#@! issue, Thanks Gyakutsuki and JeanLuc.


And now to make it really good, we "only" have to add the functionality that the right tax classes are added.


the maker of

Partita IVA




wich include a vat number and tax number field has now a new test version wich can do this for the owner countrey and we try to extent this to eu private/ey entrepeneur and world...




I'm answering to Helohelo's MP concerning the VAT intracom contrib...

First of all, sorry for my english...

I'm working on the update of the contribution to have the tax includes acording to the right VAT number.

As Helohelo said, there is few options for the VAT presence:


A private individual buy something: there is VAT


A company without VAT number: there is VAT (wherever be the shipping address or the billing address even outside the store country; this company will get back the tax); this solution is necessary because nothing prove this is actually a company.


A company with VAT number, there is 3 options:

It is a company with a billing address in the same country of the store, there is VAT;

It is a european company outside from the country (billing address) of the store with a shipping address in the country of the store, there is VAT;

It is a european company outside from the country (billing address) of the store with a shipping address outside the country of the store, there is NO VAT.


We notice that the only way to don't have VAT is only for a company with a VAT number, wich is not of the same country of the store with a shipping address outside of the store country.


Hope i'm not saying nonsense :)


OsC: MS2


hello JeanLuc,

You don't know how happy iam with your work on this contribution. In forworth: many many thanks!! You are a life saver!

You are not talking nonsens at all. You only have to braden your rules to companies and individuals outside the EU. I think this is clear for you already, but i mention it to be complete. With the tax rules already in oscommerce we can differ between, own country tax, eu tax and world tax. And I have one question about the differnce of delivery of goods and electronic services where no shipping adress of goods is adressed. So to broaden your rules to world in bold:


A private individual buy something: there is VAT yes for country, and world)


A company without VAT number (within EU) : there is VAT (wherever be the shipping address or the billing address even outside the store country; this company will get back the tax); this solution is necessary because nothing prove this is actually a company. Outside EU: no VAT number required and no VAT counted.

A company with VAT number, there is 3 options:

1-It is a company with a billing address in the same country of the store, there is VAT;

2-It is a european company outside from the country (billing address) of the store with a shipping address in the country of the store, there is VAT;

3-It is a european company outside from the country (billing address) of the store with a shipping address outside the country of the store, there is NO VAT.

4-It is a non-european company outside from the EU (billing address) of the store with a shipping address outside the EU, there is NO VAT.


We notice that the only way to don't have VAT is only for a company with a VAT number, wich is not of the same country of the store with a shipping address outside of the store country or company outside the EU with a shipping address outside of the EU.

mmmm, and when delivering electronic services like a subscribtion service? Then there is no shipping adress...I think then the company eu rules apply for the billing adress.




and when delivering electronic services like a subscribtion service? Then there is no shipping adress...I think then the company eu rules apply for the billing adress.

The rules are for where the company is based (see first message in this thread)

I ask my accountent and be back with the answer!



I am agree with you about the companies outside EU but the pb is to be sure that the customer IS a company:


It is a non-european company outside from the EU (billing address) of the store with a shipping address outside the EU, there is NO VAT.
There is no way to prove it so I apply VAT and if it is a company, this company will get back the tax after...


A company without VAT number (within EU) :
I don't understand what you mean: ALL the european companies must have a VAT number, it is the law, now. So, if we have a VAT number, of course it is a company inside EU, if we haven't, may be it's a european company but we can't make an invoice without VAT because we haven't the VAT number.


Outside EU: no VAT number required and no VAT counted.
I can't prove it is a company (it is not an order printed in a letterhead with the company's stamp) so I put VAT.


when delivering electronic services like a subscribtion service? Then there is no shipping adress...I think then the company eu rules apply for the billing adress.
That's right so i can say:


We notice that the only way to don't have VAT is only for a company with a VAT number, which is not of the same country of the store

with a shipping address outside of the store country OR

without shipping address (electronic service for ex..)


OsC: MS2



We notice that the only way to don't have VAT is only for a company with a VAT number, which is not of the same country of the store

with a shipping address outside of the store country OR

without shipping address (electronic service for ex..)


I prefer the following because they're is always a shipping address in OSC:

We notice that the only way to don't have VAT is only for a company with a VAT number, which is not of the same country of the store

with a shipping address outside of the store country OR

with ONLY virtual products in order (electronic service for ex..)


May be some experiment encoder can explain me how to know in catalog/includes/classes/order.php there is only virtual products in the cart...


OsC: MS2

May be some experiment encoder can explain me how to know in catalog/includes/classes/order.php there is only virtual products in the cart...


Ok I found: think it's:

if ($order->content_type == 'virtual') { ... }


OsC: MS2


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