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The e-commerce.

New and Confused!


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I'm looking into osCommerce for my site, I've been using PayPal and want to upgrade. I've read a ton of info here and the WIKI(sp?) files but I need to play with this to get the hand of it. Is there anyway to do this on my home pc? What exactly does "local install" mean? My web hosting at the moment does not support PHP

I'm sorry if this sounds like an stupid question!

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local install means on your actual computer, not on the server (remote host). and this can be done with a little effort.


apache, mysql and php (or similar apps) are most definately required to run OSC. i don't think there is any way around that.


the easiest way to learn about OSC is to get a hands on feel. that's how i did it. if you haven't yet, read this post: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=75960

there is a lot of good info there.


good luck...

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