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Installed and Setup ok BUT....


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I've gone through the install process. No glitches. Only extra things I had to do were install a backup folder for performing database backups and do a couple of CHMOD's on folders.


Now i want to see what the store looks like with a few products in it. The problem is, nothing shows on the index.php page in the catalog folder :blink: with the exception of a bit of code:


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"></HEAD>


Am I missing something?


Thanks in advance.




P.S. By the way, this document was very helpful.

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Hi Ripper,


Thanks. I went into the admin area, Localization/Languages, and set the english as the default. While I was there I removed the other languages, no need of them at this point.


Name: English

Code: en

Image: icon.gif

Directory: english

Sort Order: 0


I still get nothing on teh front page. I even set the Sort Order to 1. No change.


Any ideas?





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strange, just a test,


what happens when you do this,





(dont know how your shop is setup)




i do think it is a localization thing,.


did you test it in netscape already ?


what i found is that i had problems in M$ exploder en did not in netscape.


could you give me your url so i can have a look ?





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Hi Rob,


I added the string at the end ?language=en but that didn't help. No, I did not try it in Netscape. I don't even have that browser on my system. Only IE6.0.


I'll email you the URL.





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Hi bloddshoteyes,


I took your advice and went searching. Interesting results.


Viewing the source code of the index.php file from the admin area it looks like all the code is present for displaying. But when I look online, all I get is what I initially showed at the beginning of this thread.


So, Icopied the source code, made a index.php file, uploaded it to the catalog folder expecting all to be ok. Not. I still only see the code that I showed at the beginning of this thread. I uploaded in ASCII, refreshed the page, tried all that. I even disabled my ZoneAlarm software to view, still a no show.


Any other suggestions?



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When you uploaded your files did you put catalog in the root dir?

Did you then log using your.website.com/catalog/install?

Did you have any problem inputting the required data after the Configuration?

And did you use the installation instructions in WIKI Documentation?

Because frankly, you should have been able to see the index page without any configuration entries in Admin.

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Hi bloodshoteyes,


I did not upload the catalog folder into the root, I set up a primary subfolder then installed the catalog folder in it. (.../store/catalog/...)


I did log in as you outlined. I was able to configure although at one point during this process I had opened a bookmarked link to open in a new browser window and it opened in the browser window I was using for the configuration process. I simply backedup and continued with teh configuration. I don't know if that had an effect or not. I think I recall reading that while configuring, there should be no interruptions as the process would be corrupted. Maybe this is the case?


I did follow the WIKI documentation using the bit of guidance it provided.





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it is most likely that your site is not configured to run php files as default, or even in there. put this in the same folder as your index.htm file and name it test.php






then run it, and see what you get.


also, ask your host to make sure that php is set to run as a default file in the httpd.conf file

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a newbie who is using an older version of osCommerce, must have gotten it from your host versus downloading the latest, which uses index.php

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