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How do I remove Shipping All Together?


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The product I'm selling is actually a service, thus, the shipping page will be very confusing for my customers. How do I remove the shipping page from the checkout process?


Thank you for your help. I'm a PHP noivice if that helps with your answer.


You should be able to "remove" all of the shipping modules in the admin->shipping configuration screen. With no shipping modules, it should just bypass that screen altogether.


You can always "re-install" those shipping modules via admin.


Also, if all of your "products" are virtual/downloads then shipping will automatically be by-passed.





Umm...all of my products are set to 0 pounds...my customers are still presented with a shipping page. I have a delivery charge that is not based on weight, hence 0 pounds works for me.

I think disabling all shipping modules would be sufficient.




If you really want to avoid seeing the shipping confirmation page altogether, go to /catalog/includes/classes/shopping_cart.php, find the function get_content_type() and replace the code inside that function with

return $this->content_type = 'virtual';

This will take you straight to Payment Information.

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand." -- Albert Einstein


Thanks for all the advice!


I changed the function to:


function get_content_type() {

return $this->content_type = 'virtual';


But still get the shipping page.... bummer. I'm at a loss, here.


Wow! Worked without the quotes! Thanks!


Now, I only have to get rid of the:


"Please choose from your address book where you would like the invoice to be sent to" from this page:




We won't be sending out an invoice...


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