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Add To Cart and Cheeck out


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You can't checkout unless something has been added to the cart first.

To have a customer checkout when he clicks the buy now button, every product would have to take the customer directly to the checkout page when the buy button is clicked, by-passing the add-to-cart page.

It seems to me, that this would allow the customer to purchase only one product at a time, and they would have to complete checkout for each product? I can't see why you would want to force the customer to checkout after purchasing only a single product.


Unless I am missing something in your question....

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I think you are absolutly right, actually I was thiinking of giving a customer another option along with "Add To Cart" if they wnat to buy only one product .... The only thought i had in mind was to minimize the "Clicks" ... do I am ake any sense B)

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you definately make sense, but i don't think i would change what the "buy now" or "add to cart" button does, instead i might add another action that would add the product to the cart and take them to the checkout.


that middle stage of viewing the cart prior to checking out is very common practice, even among the big doggs like dell or amazon. nobody will think less of your site because you have that step in there, unless of course you only offer one product.

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